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June 7, 2024

Computer Lab: Towards a Better Future and Enhanced Opportunities for Our Youth in Uganda

AFORD Technical Lab Opening and Registration for Courses Dedicated to Supporting Sudanese Youth in Uganda for Local Job Readiness

In this lab, we aim to equip Sudanese youth residing in Uganda with the necessary skills to succeed in the local job market. We will be offering a diverse range of fantastic educational courses, including:

– Computer Literacy and Basic Technology Skills

– Exploring the World of Programming and Learning Popular Programming Languages like Python and JavaScript

– Acquiring Design and Editing Skills using Adobe Photoshop and Illustrator

Please fill out the registration form to enroll in the free courses and take advantage of this opportunity!

Registration Form Link:


We believe in the importance of technical and technological capabilities in empowering youth and improving their opportunities in the job market. Therefore, all courses will be completely free for Sudanese youth in Uganda.

Computer Lab: Towards a Better Future and Enhanced Opportunities for Our Youth in Uganda!

#ComputerLab #SupportingSudaneseYouthInUganda #LocalJobReadiness #ComputerLiteracy #Programming #GraphicDesign #JobOpportunities

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