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August 30, 2024

International Youth Day

African Organization for Rights and Development Hosts Youth Day Event for the Coordination of Sudanese Youth Forces

In celebration of International Youth Day on August 15th, the African Organization for Rights and Development hosted a dialogue event bringing together 60 young people and representatives from various programs of the Sudanese Youth Coordination for International Youth Day.

The open sessions addressed pressing issues facing young people, including their political participation, their role in peacebuilding, and gender issues within conflict.

Outcomes of the Dialogue Sessions:

* Youth Unity and Political Participation: Discussions focused on strengthening youth unity and their contribution to the political landscape, emphasizing security and military challenges as well as relationships with political parties.
* Geneva Forum – Challenges and Opportunities: Discussions centered on the role of young people in negotiations and peacebuilding, identifying challenges and obstacles to achieving peace.
* Gender Issues: The importance of protecting and empowering women amidst conflicts was discussed.

The African Organization for Rights and Development encourages continued dialogue on these topics and welcomes feedback and suggestions from young people on the issues raised.


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