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  • Email Address: info@aford.org
August 17, 2024

The African organization for  Rights and Development in collaboration the NEST have organized a creative workshop titled “Singing for Sudan” in Kampala hosted at the African organization’s headquarters. 25 Sudanese artists participation from various creative fields. The workshop will be 6 days and aims to provide a platform for Sudanese artists to express themselves and showcase their talents while highlighting the cultural richness and artistic depth of Sudan contributing to raising awareness for Sudan and its people.


August 5, 2024

بيان تأسيس المبادرة الإنسانية السودانية

إنطلاقًا من إيماننا العميق بأهمية تعزيز الأوضاع الإنسانية في السودان نحن، مجموعة من الشباب و الشابات الملتزمين و الملتزمات بتحقيق هذا الهدف، نعلن تأسيس “المبادرة الإنسانية السودانية” بهدف دعم وتعزيز حقوق الإنسان و العمل الإنساني في جميع أنحاء السودان.

عمل فريق المبادرة لثلاثة أشهر على إجراء أبحاث شاملة في مختلف ولايات السودان، شملت ولايات الخرطوم، الجزيرة،شرق، جنوب، وسط، غرب، شمال دارفور، لاية سنار، النيل الأزرق، كردفان. جمع خلالها معلومات قيمة حول الوضع الإنساني في تلك المناطق.
سوف تسعى المبادرة من خلال هذه المعلومات إلى تحسين الأوضاع الإنسانية من خلال تنفيذ مجموعة متنوعة من الأنشطة و المشاريع التي تهدف إلى تقديم المساعدة اللازمة الإنسانية.

ستطلق المبادرة حملة “ممرات الأمل” بالتعاون مع شركاءنا من منظمات المجتمع المدني السوداني و الفاعلين و الفاعلات المهتمين و المهتمات بالشأن الإنساني، و ذلك للضغط لفتح ممرات آمنة و توفير الدعم و المساعدة العاجلة للمناطق المحاصرة بنيران الحرب.
سنشارك تقارير و تحليلات دقيقة حول السياق الإنساني و سنعمل علي إنشاء خرائط تفاعلية تساهم في تسهيل قراءة المسارات في السودان و كيفية توصيل المساعدات الإنسانية إلى تلك المناطق.

ندعو جميع الشركاء و المهتمين و المهتمات بالقضايا الإنسانية و حقوق الإنسان للانضمام لنا في هذه المبادرة و نؤكد التزامنا بالتنسيق و العمل الجاد من أجل الملاين من الأسر المهددة بالمجاعة و معاً يمكننا تحقيق الفرق الذي نسعى إليه جميعا.

نؤمن بأن التعاون و العمل الجاد بين جميع الفاعلين في المجال الإنساني يمكن أن يحقق الفرق الذي نسعى إليه جميعًا لإنقاذ الأرواح و تحسين حياة الشعب السوداني.


August 5, 2024
August 5, 2024

Fighting famine in Sudan and supporting Geneva Peace talks.

Forum on .. humanitarian issues and the agenda of the upcoming Geneva talks .. and the launch of the Corridors of Hope campaign.

– Ms. Noon Kashkoush – Lawyer and Human Rights Defender.
– Mr. Mohamed Hussein – Journalist and Director of the Peace Journalism Institute.
– Participating via video from Geneva, Dr. Mohamed Saleh – Human Rights Defender in Geneva.

– Tuesday, August 6, 2024.
– Time from (12:00 PM – 3:00 PM).
– Location: Headquarters of the African Organization for Rights and Development.

July 30, 2024
  1. The African Organization for Rights and Development hosts the Darfur Forum for Political Actors to discuss pressing humanitarian issues.


June 29, 2024 – Kampala Uganda:


With the attendance of 45 leaders and experts in various fields, including politics, media, human rights, and civil society organizations, the African Organization for Rights and Development organized a forum to discuss vital issues in Darfur.


The papers and sessions included in-depth analyses of administration and service provision, community crisis, humanitarian aid, refugee issues, and human rights.


Professor Nimr Abdel Rahman, the former governor of North Darfur State, spoke in his paper on administration and service provision, the situation in Darfur before and after the 15 war, while Dr. Zariba Ibrahim Zariba discussed the humanitarian aid paper (opportunities and challenges).


While in the third paper, Dr. Nasra Ibrahim addressed the issues of the community crisis in Darfur, while Engineer Hussein Hashim Timan, Head of the Coordination Department for Sudanese Refugees in Bialy, presented a comprehensive report on the conditions of Sudanese refugees in Bialy Kriandango camp.

In the final paper, Professor Rashid Mesbel presented an analysis on the issue of human rights and transitional justice in Darfur. The participants agreed to hold a second forum to be determined later for further discussion and to expand the scope of participation.


July 25, 2024

Sudanese refugees find solace in Art therapy

The African Organization for Rights and Development conducts their third session of pottery for therapy. As part of the Art therapy project. The session targets thirty participants affected by the war in Sudan. Focusing on women who are disproportionately impacted by the conflict.

July 17, 2024

Geneva Discussion on Peace in Sudan Must Succeed

Kampala /Geneva 16 July 2024

This statement is in support of international efforts for peace in Sudan. In this respect, we recall UN Security Council Resolution 2724 (2024), which expressed concerns over the growing violence in Sudan and Resolution 2736 (2024) which called on the Sudanese

Armed Forces (SAF) and the Rapid Support Forces (RSF) to agree on immediate cessation of hostilities, leading to sustainable resolution to the armed conflict through dialogue.

The humanitarian and security situation in Sudan is so acute and urgent that it requires immediate action from the waring parties to heed calls of the Security Council. The Sudan Situation Report released by the Office of Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) on27 June 2024 reveals that 25.6 million people, or half of Sudan’s population, face high levels of acute hunger and that at least 755,000 face catastrophic conditions or imminent famine. Meanwhile, fighting continues unabated, and the two parties depend heavily on bombing and shelling by heavy artillery as well as aerial bombardment with shrapnel bombs targeting densely populated areas. The most recent bombardment was reported on Sunday, 14 July 2024 when SAF military jets attacked Nyala in South Darfur State and destroyed the building of the maternity hospital as well as the main gas reservoir in the city.

We commend the good offices of Mr. Ramtane Lamamra, Personal Envoy of the UN Secretary-General for Sudan to engage with SAF and RSF. We particularly welcome his efforts in convening indirect negotiations between SAF and RSF in Geneva since 10 July 2024. The intended discussions, which are convened in “proximity format” are meant to focus on measures to be undertaken to ensure the distribution of humanitarian assistance to all the Sudanese population in need ae well as options to ensure protection of civilians across Sudan, which must be accorded the same sense of urgency by all the parties.

We welcome the presence of SAF and RSF delegates in Geneva and encourage them to engage in honest discussion. However, we are dismayed to learn that SAF delegation is yet to take part in this process and fully cooperates with the mediators. It is abhorrent that SAF delegation places conditions or raises procedural matters, thus making the point that technicalities are more important than the lives of millions of their citizens in dire need of humanitarian intervention. Based on the above we recommend the following action points:

1. The parties to the armed conflict in Sudan should commit themselves to a long-term ceasefire and allow unhindered and sustained humanitarian access that expands emergency response and enables relief agencies timely delivery of material, including by authorising cross border relief operations from Chad, South Sudan etc.

2. The warning parties should put immediate halt to all military operations notably the use of heavy artillery and aerial bombardment and that they fully engage in a transparent discussion on matters of protection of civilians and the implementation of measures to give effect for such protection and facilitate humanitarian access.

3. SAF should take immediate measures to release and deliver piles of relief material

which are currently kept by the army in storehouses in Sudan’s seaports.

4. The authorities must end forced evictions of displaced persons from schools and

public facilities used as gathering sites and provide alternative shelter.

July 16, 2024
July 16, 2024

is book launch of the Second Edition of the Book “Journey of the Soul : Tales of Africa” by Dr. Abbas Al Tajani

Saturday, July 13, 2024, Kampala

The Sala Media Center inaugurated the second edition of the book “Journey of the Soul: Tales of Africa” at the African Organization for Rights and Development headquarters as part of its commitment to promoting culture and social communication. The book is written by Dr. Abbas Al Tajani, a journalist and activist interested in peace issues.

The inauguration ceremony witnessed wide participation from the cultural and social circles within the Sudanese community in Kampala. The program included several diverse and exciting segments.

The artist Fadil Ahmed presented a session on creative writing and short stories, sharing his experiences and expertise in this field. Dr. Mahmoud Adam Dawood also delivered a segment titled “The Impact of Travel in the Context of Creative Climate,” discussing the importance of travel and its influence on creativity and art.

Dr. Abbas himself presented readings and anecdotes inspired by his book “Journeys of Africa,” recounting his travel experiences across the Sudanese countryside, valleys, and cities. He also spoke about the art of travel literature.

The cultural event culminated with a captivating performance by singing stars, including Alaa Al-Sharif, Wadah – Mabadek Manila, and their talented band of guitarists and jazz musicians. They added a splendid artistic touch to the atmosphere, delighting the audience with their beautiful voices and brilliant music.

This occasion reflects the commitment of the African Organization for Rights and Development to provide a platform and safe space for writers and creators to express their ideas and share their artistic creations.

July 16, 2024

Coloring for recovery workshop
Kampala – July 13, 2024

The coloring and recovery workshops at the African Organization for Rights and Development headquarters continued, with the participation of 20 young male and female survivors from Uganda in each workshop.

These workshops were organized to enhance artistic expression and promote psychological recovery for the participants. Necessary guidance, support, and art materials were provided.

Important topics were discussed, encouraging experimentation and mutual support among the participants.

The participants received the workshops positively and expressed the benefits they gained from them in improving their mental well-being.

The organization remains committed to providing continuous psychological support to the survivors in Uganda (Kampala) as part of the ongoing psychological support project implemented by the African Organization for Rights and Development.

July 6, 2024
July 6, 2024

The second workshop of the series of coloring and recovery workshops

(Art therapy)


The second coloring and recovery workshop was implemented within the framework of the projects of the African Organization for Rights and Development (AFORD) specialized in psychological support.

This workshop took place on July 6, 2024 at the organization’s headquarters in Kampala.

This workshop comes as part of a series of five workshops to be implemented sequentially.

The workshop targeted the participation of 20 people who were affected by the war in Sudan and took refuge in Uganda, and a special focus was placed on women as they are the group most affected by the war.

The workshop aims to help participants express themselves, their stories, and their aspirations through coloring and embodiment.

July 5, 2024

” meeting between the African Organization for rights and development ( AFORD) and the African Union Envoy ”

Kampala: July 5, 2024


In a meeting that took place today, members of the Executive Office and volunteers of the African Organization for Rights and Development ( AFORD) met at the organization’s headquarters with Mme. Bineta Diop, the African Union Special Envoy for Women, Security and Peace. The meeting focused on enhancing the role of women in political dialogues and discussions.

Mr. AbdalMageed Haroun, Director of AFORD, provided an explanation of the organization’s goals and vision regarding women’s issues and empowering them by building their capabilities to participate in political work.

For her part, Mme. Bineta Diop expressed her commitment to supporting Sudanese women and stressed that the African Union pays special attention to empowering young women and men and training them in a variety of skills that help them become leaders of their communities and contribute to achieving peace and stability.

Her excellency also expressed her commitment to supporting Sudanese women and stressed that the African Union pays special attention to empowering young people and training them in a variety of skills that help them become leaders of their communities and contribute to achieving peace and stability.