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  • Email Address: info@aford.org
June 29, 2024

Report on the implementation of the Dialogue Forum of the African Organization for Rights and Development (AFROD) and its hosting of the Coordination of Democratic and Civil Forces (TAGADOM) on Friday, June 21

The African Organization for Rights and Development (AFROD) Dialogue Forum was organized on Friday, June 21, and was attended by more than 140 participants and 3 main speakers on the platform. Several topics were discussed and important dialogues were presented at the forum’s speakers’ table, Professor Buthaina Dinar, member of the leadership body and the conference’s preparatory committee. Dr. Bakri Al-Jak, the official spokesman for the Coordination of Democratic and Civil Forces (TAGADOM ), and Professor Musa Idris Amer, a young man and political activist interested in issues of transitional justice and public freedoms.

The speakers spoke in general about the agenda of women and youth and the importance of bringing it into all events concerned with discussing Sudanese issues. The focus was on the problems that faced the participation of youth and women and the inclusion of their agenda in the Conference of Democratic and Civil Forces (TAGADOM), which is related to the challenges facing these two groups in societies and political parties.

Professor Buthaina Dinar explained that the agenda was included and focused on in all the recommendations and outcomes that were reached, but the challenges that faced actual participation related to the difficulties of reaching remote areas and internal localities, in addition to security issues, poor roads, and other obstacles that hindered the representation of women, especially from the Kordofan region, and she stated A similar incident occurred, while the participation of the women and youth agenda in the conference was mentioned and included in the recommendations. She indicated that representation was present in the agenda and was addressed in all the recommendations, while actual participation faced major imbalances and challenges, especially for women. She pointed out that 9 issues for women were identified in the pre-conference workshops, and 4 of them were worked on. Noting that the reports of the workshops confirmed the representation of women in them, but it was not in the required form because the progress experiment was recent and short-lived, so it was unable to work on the standards of inclusion in the required manner. She indicated that the membership of the coordination agreed to address the problems and administrative and executive defects in the coordination to ensure the success of the bloc and strive to stop the war and establish a transformation. The state of citizenship must resolve the roots of the national crisis and the participation of all segments of Sudanese society in dialogues and discussions until they come up with a national project that unites them.

For his part, Dr. Bakri Al-Jak, the official spokesman for the Civil and Democratic Front, gave an introduction to the Civil and Democratic Front as a civil constituent structure that supports democracy and human rights and opposes war. He stressed that the conference responded to the importance of the issue of stopping the war in Sudan, and the Front presented a call to the warring parties to stop the deterioration taking place in the country. The Rapid Support party agreed to participate, while the other party, the army, did not come. This stopped the dialogue between Taqadum and expressed the readiness of the democratic and civil forces, Taqadum, to work and strive to achieve peace in Sudan .They reiterated their commitment to addressing the issues and administrative and executive flaws in (TAGADOM) to ensure the success of the coordination and strive to stop the war. They aim to resolve the roots of the national crisis and establish a democratic and civil state based on citizenship, with the participation of all segments of Sudanese society in dialogues and discussions, in order to develop a national project that unites them.

While Musa Adebayor discussed many issues related to human rights and democracy in Sudan, he stressed the importance of strengthening the role of women and youth in these issues and highlighted the need to empower women and enhance their participation in political life and decision-making, in addition to promoting the rights of youth within the work of the Democratic and Civil Forces Initiative (TAGADOM )

While he stressed that dialogue and cooperation between civil and democratic forces is the basis for achieving positive change in Sudan. He pointed out the importance of building confidence, enhancing cooperation between civil society and other political institutions, and encouraging effective and inclusive participation of all in policy formulation and decision-making

Some participants criticized the representatives of the Coordination of Democratic and Civil Forces claiming that the conference did not meet the required standards of inclusivity. They also pointed out during the discussions that there were mistakes and shortcomings in the selection of representatives.

The forum concluded with important recommendations, including supporting the empowerment of women, enhancing their role in political and economic life, promoting the rights of youth, promoting basic freedoms and human rights in Sudan, and enhancing dialogue and cooperation between all parties concerned.

The most important recommendations and outputs came

1. Providing educational opportunities for young people in areas of asylum and displacement

2. Promoting awareness and education on human rights issues

3. Promoting the political participation of youth and women

4. Enhancing transparency and accountability of civil society organizations and community and civil political initiatives

5. Encouraging youth and women to participate in dialogues and forums

6. Cooperating with women’s and youth organizations in including the agenda and issues related to them

7. Providing a supportive and safe environment for youth and women in the coordination of democratic and civil forces

8. Providing platforms for communication and interaction among the target audience by the Coordination of Democratic and Civil Forces

June 19, 2024

Kampala.June 14 2024


Members of the Executive Board of the African Organization met with a delegation from NEAST, the Sudanese Dutch organization, at the African Organization headquarters. During this meeting, discussions were held on the joint action plan and enhancing cooperation in the areas of support and technical training.



1. Partnership: An agreement was reached to establish a partnership between the two organizations, focusing on providing technical support and mutual assistance. NEAST will organize training workshops in the digital and graphic design fields, targeting Sudanese volunteers and the Sudanese community residing in Uganda.


2. Culture and Drama Development: There was also a focus on developing Sudanese culture and drama as a means to facilitate awareness of important Sudanese issues. A group of creative individuals in the field of drama will be trained and supported to enhance Sudanese culture and exchange experiences and expertise.


3. Cultural Activities and Events: A special event will be held to promote Sudanese cultural activities. Additionally, a drama group will be launched to produce theatrical works that reflect contemporary Sudanese issues.


Proposed Steps:

1. Organizing training workshops.

2. Supporting drama artists.

3. Organizing cultural events.


The training workshops and cultural activities will contribute to building the capacities of volunteers and participants, and enhance awareness and understanding of the Sudanese community in Uganda. We look forward to achieving tangible successes and a positive impact from this partnership in the future.


African Organization for Rights and Development Media

June 15, 2024

KAMPALA – 15th of June, 2024.

The African Organization for Rights and Development (AFORD) inaugurated the AFORD Technology Lab as part of its efforts to empower Sudanese youth in Uganda. A three-day training course on computer fundamentals was organized with the aim of empowering and equipping the youth for integration into the Ugandan job market after fleeing the ongoing war in Sudan.
The African Organization aims to expand the scope of training courses in the future and provide greater opportunities for Sudanese youth in the field of technology and skill development. The organization collaborates with local and international organizations and educational institutions to achieve this goal.
The course targeted 12 beneficiaries during each activity throughout the period. The opening session was attended by 11 participants, including 5 young female survivors residing in Kampala and 6 other young individuals.
Hayam Al-Hadi, one of the participants, expressed her happiness in learning computer fundamentals as an entry point to information technology at the AFORD Lab. She affirmed that these skills would help her achieve stability in her new life in Uganda and improve her livelihood opportunities and competitiveness in the local market, aiding her in achieving technological qualification for her skills.
On his part, Mohammed Yakub (Abu), a volunteer at the African Organization for Rights and Development, shared that he is a survivor of the Sudanese war and has experience in the field of information technology. Mohammed assists other youth in need of support in the areas of computing and programming. He recounted his journey to Uganda and the challenges he faced while crossing the border on foot between Northern and Southern Sudan, and his struggles in Biali camp before reaching Kampala. Currently, Mohammed is working on assisting the youth at the AFORD Technology Lab as a volunteer for the African Organization for Rights and Development.
The African Organization for Rights and Development continues its support and training for Sudanese youth in Uganda.

June 13, 2024
June 13, 2024

We are honored to invite you to attend the Sudanese Book Day events, which will be held at the headquarters of the African Organization for Rights and Development  tomorrow, Friday, June 14th. The events will include many enriching activities that promote Sudanese culture and art.

Dr. Abkar Adam Ismail will present an important seminar on African cultural issues, where he will share his ideas and analyses in this field. The seminar will be an opportunity to listen to the experiences and perspectives he shares during the seminar.

The launch and signing of several new books reflecting the cultural and literary diversity of Sudan will take place.

A visual arts exhibition showcasing artistic works that reflect Sudanese creativity and vision will be held.

You will also enjoy a wonderful musical performance that will add an atmosphere of joy and entertainment to the event.

The events will start at 12 pm noon, and we hope you will attend on time to enjoy every part of this day.


African Organization for Rights and Development (AFORD):

Email: Info@aford.org

Website: www.aford.org

June 10, 2024

On June 6 – 2024 a sessions was conducted as part of a series of a workshops on legal awareness and introduction to Ugandan laws for Sudanese men and women in Uganda. This activity was organized under the psychosocial support project provided by the African Organization for Rights and Development. The session was attended by 25 participants while the project aims to reach and educate 100 individuals to make them aware of Ugandan laws and local customs

According to the analysis conducted by the organization it was found that a number of Sudanese individuals are suffering from a lack of understanding of the local law which makes them vulnerable to injustice exploitation and victims of various situations During the workshop the lawyer Ms.NAGAWA MUNIRAH provided advice and legal materials that benefited the participants. The participants expressed their gratitude to the organization for its efforts in raising legal awareness and contributing to solving the problems faced by Sudanese individuals in Uganda. They also emphasized that the targeted number is not sufficient and the percentage of violations against Sudanese is increasing due to their lack of understanding of the laws

Recommendations: Based on the analysis and participantsfeedback

1. Increase the number of legal events and workshops specifically targeted at Sudanese individuals in Uganda.

2. Provide additional educational materials and legal resources to enable participants to better understand the laws.

3. Enhance communication and collaboration with local authorities and legal institutions in Uganda to

promote legal awareness among Sudanese individuals.

4. Focus on providing continuous psychological and legal support to Sudanese individuals who have experienced legal violations.

May 27, 2024

On May 24, 2024, the AFORD computer laboratory was opened at the headquarters of the African Organization for Rights and Development, in the presence of a number of guests and interested parties, and the Director General of the organization, Mr. Abdul Majeed Saleh, gave speeches about the projects presented the AFORD laboratory, the training courses to be provided, and their importance for the Sudanese to enable them to enter the Ugandan labor market.
This initiative aims to enhance computer skills and develop the technological capabilities of Sudanese youth in Uganda, enabling them to keep pace with modern developments and benefit from job opportunities in the labor market. The AFORD computer laboratory is an advanced center for learning and training, where modern infrastructure and advanced technological equipment are provided that enable participants to acquire… Necessary skills in the fields of computing and information technology.
This initiative reflects the commitment of the African Organization for Rights and Development to promoting comprehensive development and empowering Sudanese youth by providing appropriate educational and training opportunities. This event is an important step towards enhancing technology and innovation in Sudan and achieving sustainable development in the technological field.
We hope that this laboratory and electronic room will contribute to enhancing opportunities for young people to obtain better job opportunities and develop their technological skills and contribute to enhancing the growth of the technological sector and achieving sustainable progress in the economic and social fields for Sudanese women and men in the state of Uganda.

May 17, 2024

We welcomed the Implementation Director of DT-Global Sarah Silverman, during her field visit to the headquarters of the African Organization for Rights and Development (AFORD)in Kampala During her visit she participated in the activities taken place at the during her visit. She also met with staff and a number of volunteers. Silverman commented the effort and expressed her appreciation for the work being done. She conveyed greetings from DT-Global and her colleagues.

This visit represents an important opportunity to enhance cooperation between the two organizations and exchange expertise and information related to issues facing the Sudanese refugees in Uganda. We also discussed the project process and additional assistance to implement a playground on the premises. And capabilities building training to hone skills of project management for volunteers and other grassroots organizations. We thank Sarah Silverman for her visit and appreciate her support for AFORD.


May 17, 2024

The African Organization for Rights and Development hosted a two-day workshop entitled “Nonviolence and Social Change” held by the Building for Democracy and Development Organization from May 9 to 11, 2024 within the AFORD space for civil society organizations in Kampala, with the participation of a group of 16 individuals representing different places in Sudan, Gezira, Darfur, Kordofan, Sennar, Northern State and Khartoum
The workshop was evaluated by the participants who expressed their opinions about the training and its content in general as apositive overall evaluation was provided. The Bina for Democracy and Development Organization thanked the African Organization for Rights and Development for hosting the activity and facilitating the workshop. The participants called for holding more workshops in the future and recommended that the organization hold Continuing training workshops to enhance skills in the field of non-violence and social change
The participants made personal pledges to apply the principles of nonviolence in their daily lives and work to promote social change in their communities. Small work teams were formed to implement specific projects aimed at promoting nonviolence and achieving social change in their areas.
This activity is an important step towards promoting non-violence and enhancing the culture of democracy in Sudan. It is expected to contribute to empowering Sudanese civil society and enhancing its role in achieving positive social change.

May 15, 2024
May 15, 2024

Within the framework of the organizational structure of the Sudanese Youth Network to Stop the War and Establish Democratic Transformation, the African Organization for Rights and Development, within the activities hosted by the AFORD space, hosted the network’s meetings on May 8, 2024. This came within the administrative and technical arrangements made by the Youth Network, Kampala Office, in its new session following the conference, which It was held by the network in March to discuss the challenges of this stage and to approve the structure of the network for the second session of the Kampala office

May 6, 2024

The African Organization for Rights and Development hosts a screening of the film FEMINISTS, which was organized by the Feminist Ta’a Ataneth Organization on May 5, 2024, in the capital, Kampala. This event is one of the events and activities hosted by the AFORD Spec. The participants interacted with the activity in an excellent manner, as there were many discussions after the film was shown. According to their vision according to the context and current conditions, the film also explained how the restrictions imposed on women due to culture or religion paralyzed the feminist movement and harmed women’s issues in Sudan. In the same context, this common phenomenon faces all women and girls in the world, is considered a different challenge to the environment and society, and directly affects their lives on the personal, public, and practical levels, as well as their political participation, levels of government, and decision-making positions. All of this was linked to the accelerating events in Sudan, the extent of the impact of the war on the Sudanese feminist movement, and their increasing suffering from violations of various kinds and displacement following the April 15 war in Sudan.