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August 19, 2024

World Humanitarian Day

Press Release

19 Aug 2024

We consider humanitarian work not just a duty, but a noble message that aims to provide aid and support to those in need. On this special occasion of World Humanitarian Day, the African Organization for Rights and Development team extends its sincere thanks and appreciation to all the volunteers in our office in Kampala and Sudan, who are making wonderful efforts servicing in these difficult circumstances.

On this day, we celebrate and live the reality of suffering and war that is sweeping our country, and we strive seriously to stop it immediately with the courage of our people. The African Organization for Rights and Development, who continue to make efforts and a great humanitarian spirit to stop this destructive war.

Your efforts are to shine a light in the darkness of these difficult times, and highlight the strength of the human spirit in confronting these difficulties. We are proud of you and appreciate your endless sacrifices in the service of humanity.

#World_Humanitarian_Day ❤️
#worldhumanitarianday ❤️

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